Shower Wall Bar System
On Sale Luxury Shower System
The BathSelect Shower Wall Bar System is a functional and versatile completion of a shower area, combining practicality with the possibility of customization. The system generally consists of a vertically mounted bar on the wall to which one can place a handheld showerhead at any height desired. The showerhead easily goes up and down on the bar to accommodate the different needs of users due to disparate heights and preferences. The solution is thus ideal for households with multiple users. The system sometimes also comes with built-in soap dishes or soap holders for added convenience.
Besides being practical, the BathSelect Shower Wall Bar System is designed to be aesthetically pleasing. The wall bar design, sleek and in modern style, will complement different styles of bathrooms and bring functionality to boot. It is usually fabricated from extremely durable, corrosion-resistant material able to hold up over time, even in a consistently humid environment. This system is ideal for those who want to make the shower space more usable and at the same time give it a modern look.