Home > Automatic Faucet Won't Turn On

Automatic Faucet Won't Turn On

Automatic Faucet Won't Turn On

Automatic Sensor Faucets On Sale

If your automatic faucet won't turn on, there may be several reasons to consider. So, it always makes sense to start with your power source. Batteries are usually used to power the faucet. Check your batteries to see that they have enough charge or replace them if they don't. If your faucet is hardwired, make sure the connection is secure and getting power. Inspect for dirt, debris, or water droplets that could be obstructing the operation of the sensor. Clean the sensor using a soft, dry cloth to restore its responsiveness. Open the water supply valves fully to allow the water to come into the faucet and check if there are blockages along the water line that may be obstructing it from working. If the above steps do not solve the problem, try to make sure that the wire or the connections are properly aligned and not loose. It may be a faulty sensor or sometimes the solenoid valve that has malfunctioned and requires being checked upon. Cleaning and servicing of the faucet prevents problems of this nature and ensures the faucet works at its best. Automatic faucets are designed for convenience and reliability; however, addressing common issues will help restore the functionality of the device with improvement in long-term performance.

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